The CSC Gala Happenings

A lot happens here at the CSC every day. This blog however, will try to focus on those goings-on that highlight volunteer and staff efforts to prepare for our huge annual fundraising event, entitled "The Newman Gala". This, then, is our story.

Monday, March 24, 2008


The Auction Is Live

The auction is live! (

Before you click away into a world of goods and services and never return to the blog, lend me your ears for a few minutes. I want to highlight a few of the intricacies of the auction, as well as mention some of my favorite items.

Right click on that link and open a new window. You'll see two graphics, beautifully positioned and displayed by our web designer, Erik Buschardt. The first will lead you to the live auction. In past years, I don't think everyone had an actual paddle for the live auction. This year, everyone gets a paddle and a paddle number. That doesn't mean you have to lug around a paddle the entire night. You can leave it on your seat, because your paddle number will be printed on your nametag so you'll have it at all times. You'll use this number to bid on anything over the course of the night, whether it be silent auction, the art, the live auction, or things the Ritz owns that you can't even bid on. That's what your paddle number is for.

But the most fun part comes during the live auction. I'm so excited to see this--I've never seen one in person before. Click on that link to see the options that you have. The list that appears is clickable--click on any of those links and you'll get a full description plus a photo and possibly website links to help you decide which item is right for you.

Some of these items might be pricey, sure. But 130 million American households are getting a $600 bonus check from President Bush in the next few months, so what better way than to invest that money in a private concert by Javier Mendoza? Plus, if you buy a raffle ticket, you have a chance at winning a much larger some of money that you could use to outbid other people.

The donors of these live auction items have been extremely generous, as these are truly amazing items. I have an affinity for the Richmond trip and the DC trip, as my family helped me put them together (I'm from Richmond). I've walked through the halls of the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond and eaten brunch there a few times (when I was 10 years old, the brunch was $50 a person, so I can only imagine what it is now. And it's complimentary with this package!), and I can assure you that it is one of a kind. It's a five-star hotel! Plus, I love the idea of a trip to a place so steeped in history.

The Cardinals packages are just as exciting. Look at item #13. You get to spend an inning in the booth with Mike Shannon! Who knows what he'll say? Not to mention the privilege of being on the field during batting practice.

The vacation packages and the golf packages are also really incredible. Check out #15, Beaver Creek. I would recommend taking the time to look through the website. Pat Morris has given us an extremely generous gift--this is the kind of home that we all dream of having, and you have a chance to live that dream for a week. The description talks about how it's perfect for family reunions or corporate retreats, and I couldn't agree more.

A lot of these items may take some foresight. Sure, you may not have $1000 in spare change lying around, but if you get a few friends together--regardless of whether or not they're coming to the gala--any of these items become manageable. I just think it would be fun to bid on some items in a live auction. Throwing up your paddle, throwing caution to the wind...lots of throwing.

I want to do the silent auction justice, so I'll write about that tomorrow.

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