A lot happens here at the CSC every day. This blog however, will try to focus on those goings-on that highlight volunteer and staff efforts to prepare for our huge annual fundraising event, entitled "The Newman Gala". This, then, is our story.
"You moved the Gala date? Why?"
I've heard this question a lot ever since it was announced that the next Gala would be on October 10, 2009 instead of spring of 2008. To be honest, there were a multitude of pros and cons that were factored into the decision. We tried to reach out to as many people as possible when considering the change--there was the post-Gala online poll, informal polling after mass, and direct polling of the Gala committee. If we didn't hear your opinion, we apologize. I hope those of you who have thoughts and ideas about the Gala decide to attend the kickoff party.
So, why change the Gala date at all? Why mess with a good thing? The Ritz has hosted the event the last few years; before that, the Chase Park Plaza ballroom was used. We've had about 400 people attend the Gala the last few years, raised enough funds to cover a significant portion of the CSC's operations budget, and had a great time on the actual night of the Gala. Everything was good. Why change it?
The trouble with staying the same is that you're not getting any better. You're not improving. Now, I don't think it's a failure per se that we've plateaued at 400 attendees the last three years. That's a lot of people to pack into one room. And a lot of the same people come back every year because they had a good experience the previous years.
However, I think we can do better. About 1,000 people gather here for mass every Sunday (between the two masses)--if we can gather to celebrate our faith, why can't we take one day out of the year to get together to just
celebrate? Plus, there are so many CSC alumni who love an excuse to come back to the CSC. The Gala is the perfect excuse for that.
It is among those alumni that the spring date presents the biggest problem. In the spring, there are reunions (both high school and college), spring breaks for those with children or who are still in school themselves, and Easter. I heard from a number of alumni this past year that they had to make a choice between coming for Easter or coming for the Gala. I wish they didn't have to make that choice--I wish they could come for both.
Also, there are a number of very similar fundraising auction events that happen in the spring. SLUH's Cashba and the Cardinal Glennon Gala come to mind. People often have to choose between one or the other if they're around the same time.
So those two factors have been avoided by moving the Gala to the fall. In doing so, we're hoping to significantly increase attendance. But in addition to community members and CSC alumni, we're hoping to get other outsiders to join us for the Gala as well. We want to celebrate with our friends. That's why we'll encourage people to sponsor tables so their friends, families, and coworkers can join them at the Ritz that night. This year we're going to include some special perks with full-table sponsorships to make the deals all the sweeter (ideas include limo service, a room at the Ritz that night, etc.)
Also, the auction, which is a major part of the night, factored into the decision as well. We've gotten a sense that some donors to the auction--businesses in particular--could use a break. We really appreciate everything they give us, so we're giving them a break, a six-month break. Also, an October gala allows people to purchase Christmas presents and patronize the businesses that are so generous to our auction--it's actually a great time to have an auction.
If, in the end, the decision to move the Gala turns out to be the "wrong" decision, we'll change it back. But it's you all who make the Gala successful--the choices to attend and bring your friends and family and participate in the auction--those choices are yours. I hope you'll choose to make the 2009 Newman Gala a special night for us all.